History is not just a subject but it is that helps us to understand our present and gives us the ability to look at the possibilities of future. These records are of great significance to future generations in understanding their heritage and past which is integral to the shaping of their own identity.
This attempt to record information of ‘the Kadeesa Church and KalladaMalayil Family is being done because these two are so interlinked that recording its history independent of each other is not possible. An attempt is made to provide a more reliable record of the church and family as most of the information which is currently available is what has been passed on by word of mouth.
Periodic attempts have been made to come up with a historic account of the church and family. Since there was not much progress, at the ‘Kudumbayogam’ held in 2008 May, I as the then president launched ‘’. It was only a beginning. The information available was not enough and authenticity had to be verified and a better and revised version of the same was launched in 2019 on March 12th. Efforts have been made to authenticate the information collected which is based on research and interviews with renowned people. While all effort has been made to make this as authentic as possible, it is important to remember that much of it is based on legends and stories passed down generations.
I have been working on this for over 10 years. Progress has been slow and at times exhausting. My ill health in between made me fear whether I would be able to complete this ‘labour of love’. Today I am happy and grateful to God and the Kadeesas for the great bounty of grace I received throughout my struggle to complete this mission.
Many people have gone out of their way to assist me in this work. It would be impossible to mention all the names. I would like to express my gratitude to some of these who took time off from their busy schedule to help me.
Thank you.
Prof. KesavanVeluthat (Historian),
M.R.RaghavaVanian (Historian),
Dr. M. G. Sassibhushan( former Director of Multipurpose Cultural……),
Rev. Fr. Dr. Jose John (Church Historian, Pazhaya Seminary Kottayam),
Sajni Koruth (ELT Consultant),
Susan.V. Ninan (Associate Professor)
P.J Jacob
I would also like to thank my wife Sally who has been very supportive and encouraging throughout this endeavor.
I sincerely hope this will be informative and of help to the whole family and those who are interested in the part of the history of Kerala which deals with the arrival of the Kadeesas to Kerala from Syria.
About Author

Alexander Muthalaly (Princely, Auto Engineer) and Sally Alexander Muthalaly
If a family member wish to add information to website viz obituary, matrimonial, news or photos, please send an email to
Kallada Malayil House, Pazhayachantha (Arthutty)
Kottayam – 686 001. Kerala, India.
+91-9400566599, +91481-2566599